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Old 01-12-2005, 07:55 PM   #11

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It is the responsibility of the members to read the rules of any forums or websites that they want to visit and abide by them. May I respectfully remind all that when you signed in to register at this website, you agree to abide by all our rules and regulations before you can even proceed with your registration. The thread garnering response and letting members have their final say was there for a week until it went without response for two days before we implement the guidelines. It is not our responsibility to mass email or mass private message everyone in here. And I am sure our members do not need to be spoonfed in this manner. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Inevitably ignorance will always be used as an excuse. " I am new, I long time never log in, etc etc. " If we let these excuses be, then there's no point in implementing guidelines, cos somehow someone will abuse the guidelines, claim ignorance and quote precedents.

I know this for a fact, cos we have tried persuasion and coaxing, time and again, to request members to be mindful of the minority, when they put pictures and avatars up, all to no avail.

The guidelines were implemented as a last resort, when all persuasions failed, and the complaints became terribly rampant, everyday
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