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Old 05-05-2005, 04:13 AM   #4
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The eggs were demersal (sinking), about 2.5 to 2.8 mm in diameter, and brown to chrome yellow in color. They were deposited on plants, wood, rocks, whatever. I quickly moved as many eggs as I could to a hatching tank, which filled with my local tap water. The temperature of the hatching tank was 82-84°F (28-29°C), the pH about 7.0, and hardness about 4 dGH.

Some 58-70 hours after fertilization, about 350 hatched. A large number of eggs again proved infertile, but as least there were enough so that I got large number of fry despite this. Two cement organs were visible on the undersides of the heads of the fry, and they used these to cling to a nearby surface for an additional three days before becoming free-swimming. The fry were about 0.36 inch (9 mm) long when they became free-swimming. They accepted live brine shrimp nauplii. Six days after that, I added chopped tubifex worms to their diet. At this point the fry were about 0.6 inch (15 mm) long, and had very large external gills.
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