Thread: The Rep System
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Old 17-02-2005, 03:11 PM   #8

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Originally Posted by cavallino
2 points...

1) We collectively form the reputation system
as with the polls, the aggregation of our individual votes are supposed to reflect the collective sentiment of the community. as an individual, we cannot influence the outcome of the poll (or at least we shouldn't be able to).

When people start abusing the system by registering multiple nicks and piling up the votes under a cloak of anonymity, the system loses its integrity. The system's ability to tell people what the community thinks of an issue or the particular individual greatly diminishes. The same will happen with the rep system.

All credit to the mods for a well thought out system. But it still can be abused, mostly because we don't know who is adding/ deducting who and for what. It's free for all, no accountability. It's pointless (and unfair) to expect the mods to keep adding more restrictions to curb the abuse. Just like internet hackers, they'll always find a way.

The integrity of the system can only be upheld by the collective, responsible actions of each and every one of us. It must come from within.

Following up from that..

2) Let's not take this exercise too seriously
If we depend on the polls/ rep systems to tell us the consensus about an issue or the rep of a person, then a lot depends on our confidence in the system. since we cannot verify the integrity of the system in question, then it's in our best interest to use some discretion. Though one could argue that if in the end we still needed to use our own judgment/ discretion, why even use the polls or rep systems at all? To be fair, these systems do not completely break down; they still offer a partial solution. I guess something is better than nothing.

I offer a simple case in point, but note this is not a personal attack against the personalities mentioned. It is purely an objective example.

Iori was polled as the most hated AF member. We all know somewhere in there, there were probably manipulations for and against him.. from friend and foe.. at least that's what i think.. did the poll really reflect what all of us think of him? I would take it with a pinch of salt. For one, i didn't participate in that poll. And for the record i've nothing against him.

But if you look at the reputation system, he has one of the highest rep counts after the mods.

So the most hated member is also one of high repute?

is one system wrong, or both?

Let's not take all this too seriously, yah?
In a poll there was no restrictions, anybody cud vote ... in the rep system, only those with rep power cud vote and the individual has a buffer to begin with, so to manipulate is a little more difficult .. u hv to garner a lot of support either by pm or herd instinct to "kill" someone off and if u do that, u run the risk of being zapped by those who disagree with ur actions too
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