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Old 06-04-2012, 12:52 AM   #41

AFC Associate
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 757
Default Commission of 10x4.5x3 Tank

g) Sump & accies

Thank you for those who have viewed this thread.

It was kind of lengthly due to schedue that needed to be in line with the rest of the houses' construction and renovation work i.e. flooring construction, water availability, electricity availability etc.

This will be the last section for the project.

Following is the left compartment of sump tank where
- top shelf housed the sine wave UPS (2 no. for 2 key pumps)
- bottom shelf housed the rest of power head and piping

Whereas for centre compartment of sump
- top shelf housed another UPS for air bubble pump and control panel for 8 lights (each has individual control/timer)
- bottom shelf housed the inlet to the sump

And the right compartment of sump
- housed the main electrical control
- has control valve and powerhead for water changing (auto /force drain up to 50% of tank volume)
- has linked up to OHF filter
No cable is allowed in the tank for the fishes will have these cable eaten).

Good days.
You are invited to our web at for other detail.

Last edited by tank_maker; 06-04-2012 at 12:59 AM. Reason: test edit
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