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Old 20-01-2014, 12:52 AM   #66
Senior Dragon
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bucephalandra CHILLI, found some "cracks" area in the middle from the "joints" of the rocks. decided to fill it up with some bucephalandra and went on to find the best small buceps i have. found some leftover bucephalandras chillis and used them to fill that small gap. can only see 1 stalk protruding out, but 3 other stalks are behind waiting to grow out of that crack.

the tradditional bucephalandra brownie ghost. selected a young brownie ghost clump to fill the big gap between the rocks. At the back just on top of it is a medium size bucephalandra bungan waiting to show its beauty in time to come.

bucephalandra rainbow frost. again, my style of using plants to "stuff cracks" and gaps to have a more complete feel. selected just 1 stalk from the clumps and clumps and clumps of rainbow frost. decide that less is more. balance and not overdoing is the key.

hair grass, need say anymore? ^_^""

blyxa japonica, you can notice the bucephalandra bungan at the left front side rocks.

green skeleton king! after i finished, realised the right side back of tank is extremely bare and lots of areas are wasted. thus took a small messy clump of green skeleton king out and placed it at the back to give it a more filling wild look.

ok, thats all for now, wish me good luck in this tank's development and hope to keep you all updated on their development.
happy CNY![/QUOTE]
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