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Old 05-03-2011, 12:58 AM   #5
Tendou Souji
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Originally Posted by stackdeck View Post
I had a juvi endi still with external gills that experinced something like that , apparently it was.attacked , could your other bichir have attacked it?
Not likely. Here's its present condition: occasionally it turns upside down(not sure why, but my hypothesis is that it cannot control the amount of air in its body) and it'll try desparately to turn itself over but to no avail. Hence, I'll have to flip it up myself manually and when that happens, bubbles will escape from its gills. The amount of air inside its body then returns to the norm, where it can return to its original state. If my hypothesis is right, the air is trapped in an organ at the lower part of the bichir. When it is overfilled with air, it will result in the bichir flipping over and me manually flipping it over allows this excess air to escape through its gills. If this is the case for my lapradei, what can I do to alleviate this problem? Thanks.
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